IT Audit



We also offer a free no strings attached IT audit, where one of our engineers would visit your business and review your IT solutions. This is also where you can discuss areas you may already have concerns about. Any information you may share with TrenTech during the process of the audit will be protected by our Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA), which we will arrange to be signed prior to any audit commencing. The audit process would be as follows:

  • Backups (success rates, what’s getting backed up and what isn’t)
  • Hardware
  • Security
  • Email and management
  • Data management (how you store your data)
  • Software & Licensing

Following the audit, a meeting would be setup to present you with the report of the audit. Remember there is no obligation to use our IT support services following from the audit. To arrange your free on-site audit, or ask any further questions please contact us.

We make IT happen!